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Fire drill

Time: 2023-04-21 Hits: 1

In order to further strengthen the company's safety work, enhance our fire safety awareness, and improve everyone's emergency response to the fire, in line with the principle of "safety first, prevention first" and the idea of "people-oriented", on the afternoon of March 20, in the open ground near the factory, our company organized the staff of the whole company to conduct a fire equipment use drill.

At 16:00, the drill officially began. First of all, the person in charge of the drill put forward the key points of fire awareness of "seven words, three points" to all the students: First, the staff must maintain good fire safety habits at ordinary times, prohibit the fire into the factory, office buildings and other personnel gathering places, and eliminate the fire hazards from the root. Second, 119 is China's fire alarm call, when there is a fire, should be the first time to call the fire alarm call for help. Third, in the face of fire, we must be calm, calm, not panic, and take correct self-rescue and distress measures. Then, the person in charge of the drill explained the emergency treatment plan of the fire scene, the use principle of the fire extinguisher and related precautions before the drill. And personally rehearsed the use of fire extinguishers; After listening carefully and watching, the students personally experienced the process of extinguishing the fire on the spot. In the face of the burning fire, the students showed a very calm performance and skillfully followed the steps and methods of extinguishing the fire, successfully put out the smoke from the gasoline and the fire quickly, and achieved the fire protection standard of calmly and calmly facing the sudden phenomenon and successfully putting out the fire quickly.

Finally, the staff left the open space under the command of the guide personnel, and the exercise ended successfully.

Through this self-rescue and fire-fighting skills exercise, the staff's awareness of fire safety was enhanced, and the staff had a deeper memory and understanding of the essentials of fire evacuation and the cooperation of unexpected situations, and had a deeper understanding of the protection of their own safety links. Through this drill, the safety facilities of the plant have been further improved, a strong team of evacuation guides has been established, and a layer of protective wall and umbrella has been added for unforeseen sudden disasters in the future.

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